Sunday in Tsceminicum

Yesterday Pastors Liv, Phil, and I were all in congregations in the Tsceminicum Cluster. Tsceminicum means meeting of the waters, specifically the Clearwater River and Snake River.

I worshiped with the people of Ascension Lutheran in Orofino, Pastor Liv was with Faith Lutheran in Kamiah, who share a pastor with the local PCUSA and UMC churches, and Pastor Phil was with St. John’s Lutheran in Nez Perce.

Fun connection to King of Glory, Boise at Ascension. The mother of Patty Larson, who teaches Powerful Tools for Caregiving Classes across the Treasure Valley and belongs to King of Glory, is a member of Ascension. I’m grateful Patty gave me a heads up about Nellie and that Nellie introduced herself to me as Patty’s daughter.

I sit on the board for Leap Housing and one of our upcoming housing projects is on a plot of land near Orofino’s LDS stake. It’s just an empty field now, but some day soon it will be full of homes.

Cathy Steiner had encouraged me to visit Hermy Meyer in Lewiston, so on my way back along the rivers to Moscow I stopped there. What an amazing visit! Hermy was a med tech with Lutheran medical centers in Southern India for 20 years. She knew the Oberdorfer family of missionaries there (whose son worked with my mom in the old ALC and who baptized me!). Hermy was also instrumental in starting the Young Adults in Global Mission Program and encouraging our synod’s companion synod trips.

Phil, Liv and I met up for dinner at the Co-op in Moscow and then went to our home stays. Liv and I had the honor of staying with synod council member Gwen Sullivan in Genesee. Gwen grew up in Pierce and most recently taught English at Lewis and Clark for many years, so the conversation was filled with local history and literature.

This afternoon we all move into the Spirit Center at the Monastery of St Gertrude’s in Cottonwood for a two-night retreat with cluster deans. Should be a great time together.

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